Two years in Mariupol has changed a lot. City became the outpost and survived. Today a new image of strong, intelligent and inspiring Mariupol is arising. The city where you want to live, to work and to create. It is the city which Mariupol citizens dream about. The world would discover Mariupol being like that.

NGO Mariupol Development Fund by the support of Mariupol city council announced a competition for development of the logo and brand identity of Mariupol. It is one of the components of city brand which should appear in the framework of the Mariupol development strategy 2021.

The idea should reflect the modernity and city development, be focused at increasing economic, investment and tourist attractiveness of the city. The content of the art solution is designed to display the uniqueness, memorability of the city, magnet for any investor in development prospects and prosperity of Mariupol, promote positive opportunities of the city.

People of different age, level of professionalism took part in the contest but all of them enjoyed living in Mariupol, were proud of it, and promoted a positive image of the city. A competitive commission evaluating works will included experts, representatives of local authorities and public organizations. Criteria for the selection of works were the novelty of the idea, its clarity and attractiveness for citizens of the city, Ukraine and other countries.

Participation of natural persons