Vision and Logo will Become the Basis of the City Brand.


Today, the competitive commission on Mariupol logo design presented a case study of the city vision conducted by the NGO Mariupol Development Fund.

The extensive document, which includes two groups of researches (qualitative and quantitative), reflects the whole spectrum of current estimates and citizens’ mood, as well as the city's development prospects.

According to the survey, citizens associate Mariupol as a friendly city with working people. Most Mariupol citizens like city parks, gardens and the sea. People call such value orientations as unity, cohesion, good relationships, justice, security, and an ability to self-realization and freedom of choice.

The respondents noted that Mariupol was a strong and smart city, which should become a city of inspiration in the future. These are the qualities the citizens put in the brand of the city that must be complied with the future logo of Mariupol in their view.

The vision and the logo will form the basis for development of the city brand, which will include a picture of the future of Mariupol.

Today, the competitive commission collated the logo design with a vision of the city. After constructive discussions, they decided to see all the works submitted to the contest once more, as well as to involve the experts, proposed by the Mariupol community, to estimate logos.

Independent experts will be given all necessary materials for the job. After the experts’ opinion, the competitive commission will meet again in the work session for further solutions.

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