«School for Mayors» conducts seminars on strategic development of the city
Today in the office of NGO “Mariupol Development Fund” representatives of the "School for Mayors" represented by the Economic Development Agency PPV Knowledge Networks team conducts a training seminar and helps to improve the draft Strategy-2021, which has been developed by local authorities in cooperation with the public, government and business.
Mariupol strong and weak points, threats and opportunities of the city, as well as the potential of the city development in the sphere of economy, infrastructure, security, social and humanitarian support were discussed.
Director of the Agency Vladimir Vorobey considers our city to be a good basis for the development and competitiveness, "Mariupol, unlike other teams of "School for Mayors" project has moved much further. You already have achievements, neat projects and a vision of what you want to do. It is very good".
In September, Mariupol among the 10 cities of participants of the "School for Mayors" international project will present its strategic plan for development in Kiev.
Please, take into account that 35 Ukrainian cities applied for participation in the competition "School of Mayors". Mariupol on a par with Kharkiv, Poltava, Uzhgorod and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky became a top-ten city which representatives had attended trainings.