Recognition: "School of Active Citizens" was recognized as the best project for the development of communities


The School of Active Citizens is recognized as the best project for the development of communities among 13 initiatives implemented with the support of U-LEAD in 59 communities of Ukraine.

NGO Mariupol development fund received the audience award and shared the first place of honor with the NGO "Against Corruption" from Cherkasy.

The best project was chosen by voting. Representatives of almost all international organizations presented at the festival of projects gave their vote in favor of Mariupol.

We congratulate on winning the entire team and project participants. As a gift, we received a powerful tool for the further development of communities.

The project “School of Active Citizens” was implemented by the NGO “Mariupol Development Fund” together with the Mariupol City Council, Sartansky and Talakovsky village councils with the support of the Program for Ukraine on Empowerment at the Local Level, Accountability and Development “U-LEAD with Europe”.

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